Polymorphism is combination of two words ‘poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means forms. It is the ability to take more than one form. Polymorphism allows one interface to be used …
Polymorphism is combination of two words ‘poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means forms. It is the ability to take more than one form. Polymorphism allows one interface to be used …
Encapsulation: encapsulation is a mechanism for wrapping up data and methods to the single unit called class. Doing so the data is not accessible to the outside world and is …
Objects and classes: The objects and classes are the main part of the oops programming. The objects can represent a place, a person and much more. The program objects should …
Basic object oriented features and concepts Various important features of object oriented programming are: Objects and classes Encapsulation Polymorphism Inheritance Abstraction Message passing Dynamic binding
C++ is an object oriented programming language and was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was developed at AT&T Bell laboratories in New Jersey USA in 1980. C is a more …
Input and output from file: There are many methods to input and output from file these are: 1. putc(): putc function is used to write a character in a file. …
Opening a file: To open a file the following syntax is used: Syntax: fopen(“filename”,”mode”); File modes: There are three types of modes to open a file these are as …
All the programs are executed in the RAM which is volatile means not permanent. In this type of memory the data can be shown till the program in this memory. …
Pointer variables declaration: Pointer variables are used to store the address of the variable. And a pointer variable can store only the address of the variable which has the same …
Function using pointers: pointers are very useful in the function and we send the addresses instead of values because the pointers are works with the addresses. Program: PROGRAM TO SWAP …