
Polymorphism is combination of two words ‘poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means forms. It is the ability to take more than one form. Polymorphism allows one interface to be used …


Encapsulation: encapsulation is a mechanism for wrapping up data and methods to the single unit called class. Doing so the data is not accessible to the outside world and is …

C++ objects and classes

Objects and classes: The objects and classes are the main part of the oops programming. The objects can represent a place, a person and much more. The program objects should …

Basic object oriented features and concepts

Basic object oriented features and concepts  Various important features of object oriented programming are: Objects and classes Encapsulation Polymorphism Inheritance Abstraction Message passing Dynamic binding

C++ introduction

C++ is an object oriented programming language and was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was developed at AT&T Bell laboratories in New Jersey USA in 1980. C is a more …

Input and output from file

Input and output from file: There are many methods to input and output from file these are: 1.      putc(): putc function is used to write a character in a file. …

Opening and closing a file

Opening a file: To open a file the following syntax is used: Syntax:            fopen(“filename”,”mode”); File modes: There are three types of modes to open a file these are as …

File handling

All the programs are executed in the RAM which is volatile means not permanent. In this type of memory the data can be shown till the program in this memory. …

Function using pointers

 Function using pointers: pointers are very useful in the function and we send the addresses instead of values because the pointers are works with the addresses. Program: PROGRAM TO SWAP …