Arrays using pointers

Arrays using pointers: The pointer is very useful in the array. If we want to store the address of the array in a variable then it gives its base address …


Pointers are use to store the address of the variable. All of our data is stored in the computer memory and this memory is divided into the small bytes and …


The concept of the union is same like the structure the difference is of their storage method. All the data-members of the union are share same storage area. Union is …

Array of structure

Array of structure: We can make the array of structure as it may be required where we have to enter large amount of data. For example if we want to …

Structure within structure

Structure within structure: The structure within structure is called the nested structure. e.g       struct student { int roll_num; char name[20]; struct { int age; float weight; }info; }std; In above …

Structure Initialization

Initialization: There are many methods to initialize the structure. Some of the following examples are: Compile time initialization: 1.      struct student { int roll_num; float percentage; } s1={1117,80.11}; In this …


Structure is a collection of heterogeneous elements. Heterogeneous means the elements may b differ in their data-type. Structure is very useful to make grouping of different type of data members. …

Category of functions

There are four main categories of the functions these are as follows: 1.      Function with no arguments and no return values. 2.      Function with no arguments and a return value. …

Function call

Function call: In function call there are following three parts: a.      Function name b.      Actual arguments c.       Semicolon Function name is must be same as we declared in our program …

Function declaration

Function declaration:  function declaration is must before call the function. And it divides into four parts as follows a.      Return-type b.      Function-name c.       Parameter d.       semicolon The above three parts …