for loop

for loop: The for loop is also entry-controlled loop. Syntax: for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement) { Body of loop } Initialization: in this part of the loop the variable is initialized such …


do-while: In while loop the condition is evaluated first and then executes the body of loop and if the condition is not satisfied even at the very first attempt the …

While loop

while loop: while loop is the simplest form of loop, and it is entry controlled loop statement. Syntax: while(test condition) { Body of loop } At the first, condition is …

Two dimensional or multidimensional array

Two dimensional or multidimensional:  In the single dimensional array we can store only values in the form of list, but sometimes we needs to process the data in the form …

One dimensional array

one dimensional: The one dimensional array is the simplest form of the array. And is used for the multiple values in a single variable. Declaration syntax: data-type array-name[size]; e.g: int …


The problem with the simple data type is it can only save one value at a time, suppose we want to save the roll number of the all students of …

looping statements

In looping statement a sequence of statement executed repeatedly until some conditions for termination are satisfied. The condition for the loop is tested and if satisfied then it executes the …

Branching statements

The branching statements are also called decision making statement which is used to see whether a particular condition has occurred or not and then tell the compiler to execute certain …

First c program

First c program /* Program to print something. */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { /* printing hello*/ printf(“hello”); getch(); } Description: this is our first c program which printing the hello. …

Brief overview on c language

C is a high level language and was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. The C compiler combines the capabilities of an assembly level language and with the features of …