SQL Server 2012 SP1 Released

On Friday Microsoft released the first service pack for SQL Server 2012. The news was delivered at the company’s PASS event, held last week in Seattle. Corporate Vice President Ted …

Apple’s Patents Page Turning

  Having asserted its ownership of revolutionary ideas such as rectangles with round corners and unlocking touch sensitive devices by touching the screen, Apple now has ownership of electronic page …

What are identifiers? – java

Identifiers are any variable name, class names, method names. Java is a case sensitive language so an identifier is not same in the lowercase and uppercase even both are spelled …

What is whitespaces in java?

you can write a java program on one line. But at least one whitespace character require between each of the token. Whitespaces in java are: Space Tab Newline

What is java beans?

java beans are classes written in java language and used to encapsulate many objects into a single object. Java beans can be passed as a single object instead of multiple …

what is the dangling pointer?

[rps] The concept of dangling pointers arise when an object is deleted or deallocated, without modifying the value of the pointer, so that the pointer still points to the memory …

What is vectors in java?

Vectors Vectors are created like the arrays but vector can hold the objects. And these objects can be of any type and size. In array the elements are must be …