Input and output from file

Input and output from file: There are many methods to input and output from file these are: 1.      putc(): putc function is used to write a character in a file. …

Opening and closing a file

Opening a file: To open a file the following syntax is used: Syntax:            fopen(“filename”,”mode”); File modes: There are three types of modes to open a file these are as …

File handling

All the programs are executed in the RAM which is volatile means not permanent. In this type of memory the data can be shown till the program in this memory. …

Function using pointers

 Function using pointers: pointers are very useful in the function and we send the addresses instead of values because the pointers are works with the addresses. Program: PROGRAM TO SWAP …

Arrays using pointers

Arrays using pointers: The pointer is very useful in the array. If we want to store the address of the array in a variable then it gives its base address …


Pointers are use to store the address of the variable. All of our data is stored in the computer memory and this memory is divided into the small bytes and …


The concept of the union is same like the structure the difference is of their storage method. All the data-members of the union are share same storage area. Union is …

Array of structure

Array of structure: We can make the array of structure as it may be required where we have to enter large amount of data. For example if we want to …

Structure within structure

Structure within structure: The structure within structure is called the nested structure. e.g       struct student { int roll_num; char name[20]; struct { int age; float weight; }info; }std; In above …