C++ Single inheritance

Single inheritance: When a only one class is derived from an existing base class is called single inheritance. Single inheritance is only possible if there are two classes which are …


When a new class is derived from another class is called inheritance. the old class is called base class and new class is called derived class. the main advantage of …

C++ Protected access specifier

When a base class is inherit as protected to derived class then all the public and protected members of base class become protected members of derived class but the private …

C++ Private access specifier

When a base class is inherit as private to derived class then all the public and protected members of base class become private members of derived class but the private …

C++ Public access specifier

When a base class is inherit as public to derived class, all the public members of base class become public member of derived class,and private members of base class become …

Access specifier

We can inherit the two classes by using three access specifiers. access specifiers is also known as visibility mode. when a class is derived from an existing class, all the …

C++ How to access class members

We can access the class members with the help of the objects using ‘.’ dot. We can assign the values to these instance variables through the calling methods. e.g:      …

C++ Objects

Objects are used to access the class members. The creation of an object is simple and this process is known as instantiating an object. And to create an object we …

C++ Methods

The functions are called as methods in java. And methods are helps to access the instance-variables and provide functionality on the data as required. And the methods can be declared …

Classes and objects

All the functions are performed in the java with the help of classes and objects. Thus java is called a true object oriented programming language.  Class A class is encapsulates …