if statement

if statement: The if statement is use to control the flow of the execution of statement. If the expression is true then it transfers the control to the particular statement. …

Branching statements

The branching statements are also called decision making statement which is used to see whether a particular condition has occurred or not and then tell the compiler to execute certain …

First C++ program

/* Program to print something. */ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { /* printing hello*/ cout<<“hello”; getch(); } Description: this is our first c program which printing the hello. In first …

Dynamic binding

Dynamic binding is also achieved in oops programming. Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given method call is not known until the time of the call at …

Message passing

Message passing: As people communicate with each other objects can also communicate with one another by the concept of message passing. A message for an object is a request for …


Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential feature without including the background details or explanation. A very important rule of abstraction is we filter out the common functionality of …


The most significant advantage of object oriented programming is the reusability of the code. This reusability achieved by a mechanism called inheritance.  Inheritance is also refer to as “is-a” relationship. …


Polymorphism is combination of two words ‘poly’ means many and ‘morph’ means forms. It is the ability to take more than one form. Polymorphism allows one interface to be used …


Encapsulation: encapsulation is a mechanism for wrapping up data and methods to the single unit called class. Doing so the data is not accessible to the outside world and is …

C++ objects and classes

Objects and classes: The objects and classes are the main part of the oops programming. The objects can represent a place, a person and much more. The program objects should …