The problem with the simple data type is it can only save one value at a time, suppose we want to save the roll number of the all students of …
In looping statement a sequence of statement executed repeatedly until some conditions for termination are satisfied. The condition for the loop is tested and if satisfied then it executes the …
The branching statements are also called decision making statement which is used to see whether a particular condition has occurred or not and then tell the compiler to execute certain …
First c program /* Program to print something. */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { /* printing hello*/ printf(“hello”); getch(); } Description: this is our first c program which printing the hello. …
C is a high level language and was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. The C compiler combines the capabilities of an assembly level language and with the features of …
In 1969 a person named Dennies Ritchie started working on a project which is initially developed for UNIX operating system. Dennies had in his mind to make UNIX operating system …
[rps] The concept of dangling pointers arise when an object is deleted or deallocated, without modifying the value of the pointer, so that the pointer still points to the memory …
Union The concept of the union is same like the structure the difference is of their storage method. All the data-members of the union are share same storage area. Union …
String handling functions: 1. strlen(): This function tells the number of character in a string. This will be as follows: l=strlen(string); where l is integer. 2. strcat(): This function is …